Yoga & Pranayama For Healthy & Glowing Skin
By doing some yoga and Pranayama you can get the glowing, radiant and healthy skin. Some of the Pranayama for Healthy and glowing skin are – 1. Bhastrika Pranayama 2. Anulom Vilom Pranayama 3. Halasana 4. Matsyasana 5. Kapalbhati Pranayama etc. Have a look to know more about Yoga and Pranayama

A beautiful glowing & radiant skin is every woman’s dream. If you are in search of a remedy for beautiful ageless skin, then Yoga & Pranayama is one of them. Many researchers have proven that yoga has positive effects on the skin & regular practice of some yoga postures & pranayama makes skin look healthy & glowing.

Bhastrika pranayama is also called the Breath of Fire & it involves forceful breathing. Bhastrika Pranayama increases oxygen supply to the skin & also clears out toxins accumulated in blood through forceful expiration resulting in the healthy glowing skin. That is why Bhastrika is called as best pranayama for the healthy & glowing skin.

How To Do It


  • Sit in Vajrasana or Padmasana (legs crossed), take a deep breath & then exhale forcefully with help of abdominal muscles, while doing this concentrate your mind on your breaths. Remember to keep your shoulders, chest, head, and neck still while your belly moves.
  • After doing 10 bhastrika take a break for 10 to 20 seconds & then continue for next 2 to 3 minutes.

Benefits of Bhastrika


  1. Helps to correct digestion.
  2. Helps to clear blockages in respiratory passage, chest and the nose.
  3. Improves metabolism.
  4. Stimulates all the organs.
  5. increases oxygen supply to the skin

Also, read about: Hot Yoga Poses.

Anulom Vilom is the excellent breathing technique to balance vata , pitta & kapha Tridoshas. The balance of this tri-doshas is important for health, immunity & healthy glowing skin. Anuloma Viloma Pranayam is very simple but has a powerful impact on your body, mind & soul and a good Pranayama for a healthy & glowing skin. It clears and opens the channels for good circulation & helps to remove all the toxins from your body.
How To Do It

Seat yourself in Padmasana and breathe in through left nostril while keeping the other block with the thumb of right hand. Take a pause for few seconds then close left nostril with the fourth finger of right hand & exhale through the right nostril.
Again take a breath though right nostril & exhale through left. Continue this procedure for some time.
Benefits of Anulom Viloma

Cleanses the lungs and the respiratory tract.
Balances tri doshas in the body.
Restores balance in the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Clears all energy channels.